About Water Treatment
The benefits of home water treatment come in many forms. Whether you’re a mom bringing your new bundle of joy home, or a family looking for solutions to hard water, getting a free in-home water test to determine what home water filtration system can offer your family the peace of mind that comes with having clean water. And with our water conditioning and softening systems, you get the benefit of quality products, most with a limited lifetime warranty, which require little maintenance and are energy efficient.
While most communities’ water supplies meet EPA Primary Drinking Water Standards, from source to your tap, water can still pick up impurities and contaminants not controlled by your city’s water supplier. Unwanted chemicals, minerals and other pollutants can accumulate as water travels your pipes, leaving you with odors and bad tastes. Identifying these problems can sometimes be easy; noticeable odor, visible particles, metallic or other bad tastes certainly are causes for concern. But other times the problems are not so readily apparent.
Contaminants in tap water can cause taste, odor and performance problems. And tap water issues are more than just annoying; they’re costly. Households with poor-quality water spend more on bottled water, soaps and appliance repairs.
Better-tasting Drinking Water
If your family regularly uses bottled water, you’re throwing money away. Depending on the vendor and brand, bottled water can cost as much as 1,000 times more per gallon than tap water. And yet nearly a third of us are more than willing to pay the price for better taste.
No More Hard Water Problems
If you have hard water, you’re spending far more than you should on soaps and detergent. Dissolved minerals in hard water react with soaps, making it harder for them to do their jobs. Households with hard water spend as much as seven times more on soaps and detergents than households with water softening systems.
Hard water can also be destructive. Clothes washed in hard water look dingy, fade faster and wear out more quickly than those washed in soft water. And the minerals in hard water build up in drains, pipes and hot water tanks, overworking appliances and leading to costly breakdowns. A water softening system allows you to enjoy cleaner clothes and dishes and a better bathing experience while lowering your grocery bill.
Bottled water is bad for the environment
The fact that bottled water costs more isn’t a surprise to anyone. But did you know that all those plastic bottles are taking a serious toll on our environment?
Despite the fact that nearly all types of water bottles are recyclable, only about 23 percent end up in the recycling bin. With an in-home drinking water system, you’ll enjoy great-tasting water while helping to preserve the earth’s valuable natural resources.
Bottled isn’t better
If you buy bottled water because you assume it’s fresher or more pure than your tap water, there’s something you should know. Countless studies have shown that most brands of bottled water contain some of the very same contaminants that are in tap water. And all that time bottled water spends in transit and on store shelves means it’s anything but fresh.
With an in-home drinking water system, you know exactly what’s in your water – and what’s not. Your water filtration system allows you to enjoy fresh, great-tasting water anytime, straight from the tap.
Hard Water 101: What You Need to Know
Hard water is a common complaint of homeowners everywhere. Households with hard water find it makes easy jobs tougher and bathing a chore.
What Is It?
Water is considered “hard” when it contains high concentrations of dissolved minerals – especially calcium and magnesium. While these minerals don’t usually affect tap water’s taste, they do cause other problems. Some of these effects are mere annoyances, but others can be quite costly. Households with hard water spend more on soaps and detergents, replace clothes more often, and experience more frequent appliance problems than those with water softeners.
Why Does It Matter?
The most noticeable effect of hard water is the way it reacts with soaps. In the shower, minerals in hard water prevent soaps and shampoos from forming lather, making it harder to effectively clean skin and hair and leaving behind a filmy residue.
Dissolved minerals – particularly calcium and magnesium – also react with your laundry detergent, preventing it from sudsing and rinsing out completely. When washed in hard water, clothes retain soil and detergent residue. Over time, the minerals in hard water can even break down fabric’s fibers. And in the kitchen, dishes washed in softened water are cleaner and spot-free.
Hard water can also be tough on your water heater. Heated hard water forms limescale, which can significantly reduce water flow, overworking your water heater and other water-utilizing appliances. It’s estimated that preventing limescale buildup in pipes and your water heater tank can extend the life of your appliances by as much as 40 percent.